
Eve Webb Eve Webb

The impact of connections

Connecting with others has a significant impact on mental health and well-being. Human beings are inherently social creatures, and our need for social interaction and connection is deeply rooted in our biology and psychology.

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Eve Webb Eve Webb

Supporting mens’ mental health as an organisation

Men's mental health is a crucial but often overlooked aspect of overall well-being. It refers to the mental and emotional well-being of men and their ability to cope with the challenges and stressors they face in life.

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Eve Webb Eve Webb

How activity can boost your mood

Being active, whether through regular exercise or physical activity, can have a significant positive impact on your mental health. The relationship between physical activity and mental well-being is well-established and supported by a growing body of scientific research.

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Eve Webb Eve Webb

Exercising our mind

Exercising your mind is an important aspect of maintaining good mental health. Just as physical exercise is crucial for your physical well-being, mental exercise plays a significant role in keeping your mind sharp and resilient.

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Eve Webb Eve Webb

Positive outcomes from acts of kindness

Performing acts of kindness can have a significant positive impact on your mental health and overall well-being. When you engage in acts of kindness, you not only improve the mood and mental health of others, but you also experience a sense of fulfilment and happiness yourself.

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Liam Finlayson Liam Finlayson

The solution to improving productivity is all around us

Our workspaces have a huge impact on how we work, how much we enjoy work, and how productive we are. Despite this and the immense changes we’ve witnessed in ourselves and the technology we use, our workplaces have largely retained the same look and functionality for decades.

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Liam Finlayson Liam Finlayson

The art of confident communication

‘Assertive communication’ is a term that seldom appears beyond the PowerPoint slides of yawn-inducing professional development seminars and goal-setting workshops. You’ve probably heard of it but amongst the brain fog brought on by these presentations, the value of this concept is easily missed.

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Liam Finlayson Liam Finlayson

Stop starting from scratch

This year began just as many have before it. We’ve spent the first couple of months surrounded by exuberant cries of ‘new year, new me!’ alongside mentions of fresh starts and clean slates.

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